
Basic Information                                                        

Name: Phosphatidylserine (PS)

CAS NO. : 8477-79-4

Structural Formula: 

Relative molecular mass: 750-850

Appearance: beige to light yellow powder, or brownish liquid. 

Source: NON-GMO soy beans or NON-GMO sunflower seeds.

Odor: similar to the smell of soy bean phospholipid



1. Supporting Cognitive Health

In a 12-week clinical trial conducted on 30 elderly individuals aged from 50 to 90 with memory impairment, the result indicated that the overall cognitive abilities of experimenta group who had taken soybean-derived phosphatidylserine (SB-PS) (300 mg/day) were significantly improved in comparison with the performance of the control group.  


Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a substance that is important for many functions in the human body, especially in the brain. PS is part of the cell structure in the body. The body can make phosphatidylserine, but most of what it needs comes from foods. It can also be taken as a supplement. 

2. Relieving Stress

PS has been proved  to be capable of lowering the level of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol. 75 healthy males were conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The results showed that, with a daily intake of PAS 400 mg (400 mg of PS + 400 mg of PA), the hyper-responsivity to an acute stressor from hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis (HPAA)  were normalized.

3. Elevating Sport Performance

PS can inhibit the response in vivo to cortisol caused by sport stress,  increase the ratio of testosterone to cortisol, and speed up recovery after training, thus helping athletes improve their training efficiancy and sport performance. Also, exogenous PS can enhance enzyme acitivities to maintain the ionic balance in vivo in the course of long duration sports, thus delaying the occurance of exercise-induced fatigue.



Source Specification Form Recommended Applications
Soy beans  20% of PS  powder  tablets, capsules, solid beverages, cereal bars, etc.
 50% of PS  powder yogurt, powdered milk, porridge, milk drinks, etc.
 70% of PS  liquid
 20% of PS  powder softgel capsules, etc.
Sunflower seeds  20% of PS  powder

Yogurt, milk drinks, porridge, powdered milk, etc.

 50% of PS  powder
 70%of PS  powder